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The Work That Reconnects 

​Emotional Resilience :

A moment for  Yoga & Reflection / Meditation / Deep Relaxation



10th Feb, 24 March,28 April

with Valentine Goblet​. The Work that reconnects is a group led workshop ​​​Designed by Joanna Macy PhD.  Author of "Active Hope" and "World as Lover, World as Self". The workshop will consist of moments of reflection/ meditation - Body work / deep relaxation and release. The Work is a process that unfolds as a spiral journey through four stages: Coming from Gratitude, Honouring our Pain for the World, Seeing with New/Ancient Eyes, and Going Forth. Each of these stages leads naturally to the next. The journey helps us experience first hand that we are larger, stronger,  more creative – and more deeply interconnected – than we knew.​For Booking your spot or questions on the event please do not hesitate to contact me​

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