MEDITATION - Earth Holders
Communal Practice of Meditation​
12:30 - 13:00
Drop-ins welcome
Please reserve your spot : contact@valentinegoblet.com
10 euro
to To truly take care of the planet, we need to take care of our own suffering... When we want things to change we usually focus on what should be changed outside of us - expecting others to improve. Yet the art of meditation teaches that true transformation begins with ourselves, here and now. When we give ourselves the opportunity to sit quietly and practice observing our breath, feelings and listen to our body and feelings, and emotions...we can see what is present. We simply need to stop, recognize, and feel it. In this way we can see what needs to be let go of or seen clearly. Here transformation can begin. Within ourselves. We are part of the collective. If we can take care of our individual self: and be the change we want to see in the world - we are making the change from with in. This maybe the most effective way to contribute to change-making. Loving and healing what is present. Starting with ourselves, again and again.